Sunday, July 24, 2011

Artic Ice Wars

This article had me flaming up as hot as Death Valley in August... until an alternative point of view occurred to me.

According to a 2008 study, some believe up to 90 billion with a 'B' barrels of recoverable oil may be trapped below the melting artic ice cap. So, who owns the rights to the resources is a question many who want the oil are asking, which is anyone who wants money really..

And not that anyone is reading this, but in case you are, there's actually 3 points of view I'd like to briefly touch on regarding the newly found, not yet drilled black gold:

1. From the point of view of someone who cares about out planet
2. From the point of view of someone who doesn't believe climate change/global warming is real and
3. From the point of view of someone in power who fares to financially benefit from drilling

It dawned on me today that anyone, I mean anyone with any real power and say-so at all in the world will never stop pursuing the drilling of crude up there at any cost, no matter how hard any conservation group puts up a fight. You know who I'm talking about: the big wigs, the trillionaires of the world, Exxon-Valdez and Russian oil oligarchs... or simply put: the families of the Rothschilds & the Rockefellers. These people want this place to melt. Period. And since they already run the world, they're gonna get their way. It doesn't matter what the billions of us want.

After giving it a bit of thought, and thinking how I'd love to have more money in my bank account, I almost wish I was on their side. But alas I am not, partly because of my bank account, but really because I care about this place.

This place being the world. Keep the faith.

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