Wednesday, July 20, 2011

China's New Rich

Saw this set of photos on's international edition recently, and multiple things struck me at the same time.

First, man is the pollution in China striking. Just look at photos 1 & 5 in the link above. Unbelievable. I sure hope the international community is keeping a close eye on this.

I think it's interesting how CNN tried to portray what some in China's upper class might want. CNN may even be right. However, as a non-Asian, and as a resident in one of China's neighboring countries, a few of their photos tell me a different story.

I love this one for example:

There's a cute Chinese girl in this photo stomping divots like traditional polo requires, but my expat eyes are immediately drawn to something else: the two white dudes behind her to the left. I think it's obvious that they do not represent the upper class in China. Again, I might be wrong. Maybe they're loaded, and like to dress frumpy like that on purpose to make people like me look like a fool. CNN tried earnestly to portray what's happening in China, and it looks to me like they hit the nail on the head without even trying to.

Regarding the pollution problem, I can attest by personal experience that it isn't as bad in Korea as that which appears in these photos from CNN. But maybe we should be concerned anyways. I mean if pollution from China can make it all the way to California in decent amounts, not only does that mean it's floating above Korea to get there, but maybe it's also affecting the entire world. But what do I know?

Keep the faith.

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