I'm sorry, but anyone who doesn't believe in 'Climate Change' hasn't spent the past month in Korea. Personally, I couldn't care less what anyone believes anymore, but if you watch Fox News then you are definitely not on my side, and guarantee you're not reading this.
Like Bill Maher has recently proclaimed: we have to stop calling it 'Global Warming', and start calling it what it really is: 'Climate Change'. He couldn't be more correct.
It doesn't really matter what I believe, or what any of us believe for that matter. When the world blows up because too many of us were too stupid to do anything about it, it won't matter what anyone thinks.
The most ridiculous rain I've ever seen in my life is happening right now in Korea. This is a place known for its monsoons about this time of year, but what's happening now is hardly what normally 'happens' during the monsoon season. For the record (my record anyway), it's rained everyday since about June 15th, everyday. At some stretches it has rained 3-4 days straight without letting up. I haven't seen blue sky in over a month, unless online videos and photos count.
The weather in Korea is just one tiny weather example to pile on top of overwhelming evidence.
I don't care what anyone thinks. But if you're reading this and you still think 'Climate Change' isn't real, then maybe you ought to reassess what you read, or what news you watch. After all, Fox News really isn't fair and balanced like they claim to be.
Keep the faith.
PS- Of course, if you do watch Fox News, think it's fair and balanced, and are reading this, shoot me a quick email at the address above, or drop a comment below. I want to personally thank you myself for taking the briefest of moments to read some common sense.
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