Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Justice for North Korea

On a Friday evening not too far back, my lovely fiance Stephanie and I set out to attend and film a nice fella named Robb Lee at a fundraiser titled Justice for North Korea in Itaewon. I had met him a day earlier when my friend Elliott Ashby and I decided to team up and interview him for a piece we're working on for

The event turned out great. Robb's performance was terrific, and I also met and shot another talent as well which turned into an unexpected second story. Most importantly, the rain had mostly held off. We had driven up in Steph's Matiz so we wouldn't be stuck in Seoul until the trains started running again around 6am, and headed home at about 2:30am.

Long story short, the alternator goes about 2/3 of the way home. By that time it had started to rain, and we were on the 61 heading south (in Bundang if anyone is familiar, or is even reading this) which has a speed limit of 80km which no one follows. The hazards on her car weren't working, and the car stopped smack dab in the middle of the road exiting a tunnel. Thank goodness there were two lanes.

Cars were whizzing by as we weaved our way off the road searching for a dry place to call the insurance company. They answered in English, I couldn't really explain where we were, and the tow truck showed up within 15 min of my first call regardless. Amazing ser-vice-uh they have in Korea. Amazing.

Keep the faith.

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