Friday, July 8, 2011

The Rich

I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

Support for the middle class is gone, since the president must concede to and obey those who contribute campaign funds. In other words, the rich. In fact, 100% of all U.S. senators no longer represent the masses. Sadly, it's true.

Along with this, we have a fraudulent money system in place, that which is the Federal Reserve System. Simply put, it's designed to create inflation, and debt. And it's doing a heck of a job isn't it?

I probably should watch what I say, since one day I'd like to make bigger budget films, but nobody's reading this anyways.

Keep the faith.


  1. I feel the same way about British politicians. Have you seen this?

  2. Watching it now. The American and British systems are indelibly tied together with no end to the current money system in site. On a lighter note, I really like how the film feels artistic. This certainly will appeal to a younger audience. Thanks for sharing it!
