Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I watched this video yesterday and was appalled.

Behavior like this has no place in this world. It certainly has no place in Korea if you're American. I don't need to explain how someone acting like this sours the reputation of all of us Expatriate Americans residing in Korea. He should be arrested, and removed from the country. I'm sure that if he thought he was being videotaped that he would have acted differently. Doesn't this schmuck understand that we are all being watched in this country?

After a second viewing and further private deliberation, you know what this reminded me of? Rodney King. We all remember the Rodney King incident, don't we?

Rodney King was a black man who was caught on tape being severely beaten in 1992 by LAPD in what was supposed to be a routine traffic stop for speeding. What was shocking about the Rodney King incident was not that it happened, because black people have been suffering this kind of treatment since the dawn of age in America. No. What was truly shocking was that is was caught on tape. Caught on film before the age of the internet. In 1992, catching an incident like this on video was a rarity. In fact, nothing like the Rodney King beating had ever been videotaped. Mr. King was later awarded 1 million dollars per strike by the police batons.

The officers who participated in the beatings were tried in a court of law. The decision to acquit all four officers sparked the LA Riots of April, 1992. The Los Angeles Riots eventually spread across the nation. Had the Rodney King incident not been videotaped, it would have most likely been swept under the rug. Good thing that didn't happen.

This is posted because I was disgusted at what I saw, and I wouldn't have seen it if someone wasn't quick with their cell phone video camera. Get this scumbag out of Korea. An incident like this deserves reprehension.

Keep the faith.

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