Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mac in Korea

I recently crossed the threshold of smartphone land. This is a place many people already reside, especially in Korea.

I'm not special. I'm not special at all because of this. I am, however, more glued to a phone now. I slide that little touch screen lever across the bottom portion of the phone, punch in my 4 digit security code, and in my heart of hearts I know deep down this is better for me, though I still haven't convinced myself.

One of my former students who has more recently become a friend went with me to purchase the thing. Without her it would have cost me more. I'm convinced. I just know I received some special Korean discount, and even if I didn't, I still feel like that's what happened. She showed me how she was given this free case from the Apple customer care center for her Iphone which she had had for awhile. After seeing some of the other more bulky cases, I became set on the sleek one she had gotten for free.

I had another friend (Korean of course, what would I do without them?) who went with me to help me find a customer care center in Seoul. This second friend also conveniently has an Iphone. And not surprisingly, the place was packed with customers. What did strike me (though it shouldn't have) was how all the Korean employees were mostly using Macbooks to service these customers. Anyone who knows Korea at all knows how PC this place is, and how anti-Mac they've built their internet. (I can't even check my online banking from my Macbook.) Apparently, Korea is starting to catch on. Who knew.

So anyhow, I can tweet, kakao chat, and check my email all from the little device in my pocket. Am I special? No. But it sure feels like I am.

Keep the faith.


  1. Yeah you feel special until you smash up your screen and find out you're going to have to fork out 300,000 won for a new one...ARGH.

  2. I know. I try to be super careful when handling it, i was warned by my friend of this. I also see plenty of cracked Iphones sitting on desks and being used by students occasionally as I walk around class. Real stylish.
