Friday, January 20, 2012

Why Some People Inspire Me

Back in the Fall of 2011, I was invited to a dinner that I thought was just going to be me and the person who invited me. Shortly before I arrived I received a text message. Something like 'we are at the such and such a place by Burger King' popped up on my phone. I had never been to this restaurant, and wondered how many people were already there.

That was the night I met Ross.

Even as dinner came to a close I hadn't spoken much to him. I found out at one point that he was about to be a published author for the first time. I told him I was interested in capturing that sort of thing in my documentary movies. Outside the restaurant while he clutched his skateboard, we exchanged numbers and parted ways.

I had no idea at the time what he had really accomplished, or how his peers around Seoul look up to him.

And instead of an explanation here about who he is or what he's accomplished, I think it's just enough to say that the man inspires me. So much so that I did eventually call him, and we did finally meet for a interview on camera.

Below is the trailer to the Ross Gardiner Documentary Movie that will be released shortly on

Keep the faith.


  1. Amazing concept presented with being able to point out your of recognizion of "initiation.". Very fascinating to be aware & carpe diem style the moment. Great work & like hearing the story :-)

    Live enthusiastically,
