"Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat tails."
-Clarence Darrow
To call oneself anything is to, in a way, declare your identity.
About two years ago I changed the signature on my main email address to 'filmmaker'. And so it was, I became a filmmaker. Now when I surf the web in search of things I like, like documentary film, it becomes quite evident how many filmmakers there actually are out there. It never used to be like this.
To me, it's crazy how the web has changed the world. What was once a very selective, very difficult industry to break into is now wide open for anyone with a camera, a Mac, and some time on their hands. Well.. and the will to do it of course. There's no guarantee you'll be any good at it, but the opportunity is right there, staring you in the face, waiting for you to realize it. In 2012, it couldn't be easier, nor cheaper.
So now more than 2 years in, with the website launched and functioning properly, and quite a few short documentary movies completed, I believe it's time to take the next step. It's time to embark on a feature length movie. It's time.
Many more details to come.
Keep the faith.